The must-have piece during springtime: the trench

The must-have piece during springtime: the trench

A well-maintained, versatile and useful wardrobe does not mean one full of clothes, but one which contains clothes suitable for any occasion, so that a special invitation does not take you by surprise. This being said, there is a must-have piece that I recommend to all women, especially during spring: the trench. I have three rational, not only styling reasons for my recommendation. – Although rainy days seem left behind, you can wear a trench on a cooler...
Colored style

Colored style

Spring colored style You doubt your mood might be influenced by the colors you wear? If you have ever experimented the energy wave a brightly colored dress gives you, the energy that a light shade of a scarf or the daring sensation that a red lipstick offers you, then you know that every worn color – either clothes, accessories or make-up has a different impact (sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious) on the way you feel. Playful pink Pink, for example, is a shade...
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