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The red sweater: 3 styling combinations

The red sweater: 3 styling combinations

When you decide to prepare the wardrobe for the cold season, start with the essential pieces. After buying a quality overcoat, a light but warm jacket, 2 pair of shoes or boots, you definitely have to buy a colored sweater. Red is winter’s color and can be the solution for many outfits, very different stylistically, that you will wear from now until… after Valentine’s Day! Below you’ll find three outfit options based on the red sweater, which i hope will...
2017 autumn overcoats

2017 autumn overcoats

If we have to suggest a single wardrobe piece that you can wear more than 6 months per year, that would be the topcoat, overcoat or coat (followed by jeans, of course, but that’s another story…). You will start wearing them this season, by the end of fall, and by changing the outfit and accessories, you’ll hang them back into the closet only by the end of March. Choose them carefully and invest in a distinctive style and a special material, by treating them...
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