10:00 - 22:00
events >> bucurești mall >> 18 Romanian writers as the vision of world’s graphic designers
18 April, 2021 - 04 May, 2021
18 Romanian writers as the vision of world’s graphic designers

Romanian artists have always impressed on the international stage. Appreciated by critics and readers alike, our writers let their works speak and brought glory to both the artistic level that each followed and our country. Now you have the chance to discover them in a totally new pose.
We invite you between April 18th and May 4th under the dome of Bucuresti Mall Vitan, where you can explore the exhibition “18 Romanian writers in the vision of the world’s graphic designers”. Originally from the album “A History of Romanian Literature drawn by the great graphic designers of the world”, a project initiated by Nicolae Ioniță, the drawings surprise some of the most popular Romanian writers and critics:
1. Emil Cioran
2. Marin Preda
3. Lucian Blaga
4. Elena Farago
5. Nicolae Iorga
6. A. D. Xenopol
7. Carmen Sylva
8. Titu Maiorescu
9. B. P. Hasdeu
10. Dimitre Cantemir
11. Mihail Sadoveanu
12. Ion Creangă
13. Mihai Eminescu
14. I. L. Caragiale
15. Mircea Eliade
16. Eugen Ionescu
17. Tristan Tzara
18. Nichita Stănescu
The drawings, made by artists from South Africa, Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico, Canada and 25 other countries are therefore on display until May 4th, ready to be discovered by the curious in the center of the Capital, in Bucuresti Mall Vitan.

Project organized in partnership with the National Museum of Romanian Literature and Bucharest Youth Organization / Centrul pentru Tineret al Municipiului Bucuresti.

Bucuresti Mall, 18 Romanian writers as the vision of world's graphic designers
Bucuresti Mall Vitan