10:00 - 22:00
events >> bucurești mall >> ALZ Charity Shop by ALUZIVA Association
27 July, 2023 - 31 August, 2023
ALZ Charity Shop by ALUZIVA Association

Every gesture, no matter how small, can bring huge help to those in need. If you think the same, come to București Mall-Vitan, between July 27 and August 31, to ALZ Charity Shop, the pop-up charity store by Asociația Aluziva. With each purchase, you will contribute directly to the renovation, equipping and digitalization of the Lipnița Secondary School, a project that will provide the chance to a normal education, under appropriate conditions, but also a better future for the little ones.

We are waiting for you, in the store on the 1st floor, atrium area, where you will find preloved, fashion, home & deco items and accessories that tell a beautiful story, many of which from artists, athletes, celebrities, public figures and influencers from Romania , put on sale specifically to support this project.

Bucuresti Mall, ALZ Charity Shop, ALUZIVA Association
Bucuresti Mall Vitan