10:00 - 22:00
events >> bucurești mall >> The Witch’s Kingdom
27 October, 2018 - 28 October, 2018
The Witch’s Kingdom

Many, many years ago, up in the Andes Mountains, lives a cold eyed witch. All year long she should sleep in a cave, but every year, as soon as the pumpkins were ripped, she’d come back to life. She and her daughter had been chased away by the Pumpkin’s Clan and lived in exile ever since. But the Mother Witch longs for revenge and made a plan to capture a pumpkin with pure sap.

A mysterious and funny show about a brave little pumpkin and the adventure of a lifetime, while trying to escape the witch. Don’t forget to bring some magi dust with you… the old Sorcerer might need it

The actors will bring the characters to life: The Old Sorcerer, Befana and Clementina (The Witch’s Daughters), The Mother Witch, Little Pumpkin.

 A live interactive theater show for kids, recommended to children aged 3 to 7 years old.

Running time: 45 minutes
Cast: Irina Enache/Francesca Dogaru, Cristian Rus/Alexandru Popescu, Alina Dumitrelea/Loredana Topciu
Directed by: Magda Frâncu
Costumes: Magda Frâncu

Bucuresti Mall, The Witch’s Kingdom, interactive theater show for kids
Bucuresti Mall Vitan