10:00 - 22:00
events >> bucurești mall >> Old voices of Love
14 February, 2021 - 24 February, 2021
Old voices of Love

February gives voice to the project “Old voices of love”! Bucuresti Mall – Vitan, “Nottara” Theatre and Nemira Publishing House invite you to explore tabs of romantic history, which now come to life through the performance of actors Sorina Ștefănescu, Ioana Calotă, Răzvan Bănică și Filip Ristovski.

You will be able to discover until Dragobete Day fragments from the following love letters:
Ludwig van Beethoven to “Eternal Girlfriend”
Napoleon Bonaparte to Joséphine Bonaparte
Marjorie Fossa to Elvis Presley
Honoré de Balzac to Éveline Hanska
Franz Kafka to Felice Bauer
George Bush to Barbara Pierce
Zelda Fitzgerald to F. Scott Fitzgerald
Simone de Beauvoir to Nelson Algren
Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera
Sarah Bernhardt to Jean Richepin

Moreover, on the Bucuresti Mall – Vitan Facebook page you will be able to watch the performances of the actors of the “Nottara” theatre daily – you will see with your own eyes how the passion laid out in words come to life in the artistic interpretation of each actor!
We expect you to live their stories between February 14th and February 24th in your favorite mall in the center of the capital, where love is always at its highest!

Bucuresti Mall, old voices of love, Nottara theatre, Nemira publishing house
Bucuresti Mall Vitan