10:00 - 22:00
events >> bucurești mall >> Actori de Pus in Rama
26 October, 2020 - 08 November, 2020
Actori de Pus in Rama

The heritage of the National Art Museum of Romania knows a new interpretation, which unites two artistic domains in a creative duet!
Come to Bucuresti Mall – Vitan until November 8th and discover the performances of the actors of the Nottara Theatre, which allow the most appreciated works of art from the MNAR heritage to know the present in a unique exhibition.
The exhibition “Actori de Pus în Ramă” captures the 16 actors performing famous artworks by Nicolae Grigorescu, Nicolae Tonitza, Ştefan Luchian, Iosif Iser, Augusste Rodin or Peter Paul Rubens and represents the crowning of the dedication, talent and creativity of Romanian actors.
We welcome you to the new exhibition in Romania’s first shopping mall.

Bucuresti Mall, Actori de Pus in Rama, exhibition
Bucuresti Mall Vitan