Massimo Dutti
How to wear Ultra Violet, the colour of 2018

How to wear Ultra Violet, the colour of 2018

If fashion was defined last year by Greenery green (a very difficult color to wear), 2018 trends are being dictated by beautiful and versatile shade: Ultra Violet. According to the Pantone Institute, the ones who establish every season’s chromatic trends, Ultra Violet is a “dramatic, challenging and queenly purple shade, a complex and mysterious color, that communicates originality and creativity.” Ultra Violet is very versatile: it can be matched with many colors...
Christmas shopping list

Christmas shopping list

During the holidays fuss and frenzy, choosing a present can be a burden given the multitude of choices that stores offer. For some faster decisions and a better orientation through stores, i have prepared some short present lists for… The family’s Scrooges Cosmetic masks kit “from tip to toe”, in Sephora: 91 lei | Leather gloves, in Marks & Spencer: (for her) 99 lei; (for him) 140 lei | December Rain room fragrance, in Meli Melo Deco: 34,99...
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