The art of layering for the winter season

The art of layering for the winter season

For today’s article, we thought of the following lesson: how can you have a cool and modern outfit to keep you warm when temperatures are under zero, but that doesn’t make you feel like a bear? The style solution is simple: the layering, as in the over layering. It is not about the common over layers – a long sleeve T-shirt, which you can a knitted sweater to, but of four options of outfit layering which you can see the bloggers and fashion influencers wearing....
Recycling and restyling your Christmas outfits

Recycling and restyling your Christmas outfits

The most beautiful aspects of fashion and personal style are the ones allowing you to leverage creativity: you can match colors, combine textures, play with over layers, add exotic elements, reinvent vintage pieces, modify lengths, add a ribbon, a special button or accessories. Apart from these, you can also recycle – as in to wear the same pieces in different outfits, build on recycling others in another season than the devoted one. Today we thought to show you...
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